Who is Auguste Wibo?

Auguste Wibo is an avatar for an artist that would prefer to remain anonymous.

What inspires Auguste Wibo’s work?

The radicalism of Arte Povera has always been a major source of inspiration for Auguste. The work of Piero Manzoni and Agostino Bonalumi have been essential in Wibo’s training. The artist is fascinated by the idea of playing with everyday materials and objects, combined to bring a completely new aesthetical significance.

His artworks aim to create a tension between simple and complex, low-end and elevated, dirty and clean. There is a search for minimalistic beauty and playful elegance in the final composition, with elements of provocation. But it’s the viewer perspective and the consequent journey of emotions that excites the artist the most.

Why The Lovers Series?

The Lovers series is imbued by the core elements of August Wibo’s research and aesthetic: beauty, elegance, colors, simple materials are combined to create a soothing first impression for the viewer. What at first glance appears to be a minimalist aesthetic, is in reality a provocation from the artist. The subtly veiled shape of an erect human penis, appearing through the canvas, creates a range of different emotions for the viewers: amusement, confusion, astonishment, arousement or discomfort. 

The playful series represents the eternal juxtaposition of sexuality and censorship. The artist reflects on the power of social media, where everything is extremely sexualized and censored at the same time. Is an erect penis pornographic or beautiful, vulgar or elegant? Does the veil (of censorship) make it more interesting , desirable or acceptable? In a subtle game between revealing and hiding, the artist forces the beholders to see what is merely alluded in the piece and to deal with their emotions.